Thursday, October 3, 2024


 On Ari Melber's show this afternoon I heard three guests, all former Trump employees, talk about their choices for president. The woman will vote for Harris on the ethical grounds that she cannot put a liar and a cheat back into the most consequential office on earth. Good choice. The man (one certain ambassador who was involved in Trump's first impeachment) will vote for Trump because Biden has sent this country into an economic tailspin. Hearing that, I had to reevaluate my positions on a few issues. I concluded that he is right...if creating a world's record employment status and building infrastructure at a pace that's never been seen qualifies as means to economic disaster. Really interesting convoluted sort of point .

But regardless of the manifestations of  policy decisions by Biden's administration vs Trump's previous turn at the reins, what I find disturbing about the ambassador's stance is not what he accounts for but what he ignores:

Donald Trump is ready to do evil. That is not a conclusion I have  had to surmise. The man has told us! He's ready to grasp absolute power, prosecute and punish his political enemies using his own made-to-order Justice Department, ignore whatever law he must to take up his nasty habit of throwing people out of the country, with or without their families, or, say, destroy the structure of the Executive Branch of government based on paranoia of something nonexistent (consider how weather predicting will fare when taken out of the hands of life long meteorologists). And the list goes on.

Here's a thought I haven't heard expressed: fascists don't pick and choose whom they're going to oppress. They get a particular group under control (toward whom they have bias, usually based on nothing material). And then they rest on their laurels. NO! They don't! Mr. Right Wing Christian Nationalist Caucasian Person may think Donald Trump is his best friend. But he has only to look at certain facts in evidence about how Trump operates to know that Trump knows no loyalty, no commitment to any person, thing, or idea. Trump WILL find something Mr.....Caucasian Person has that Trump wants. And he will devise a way to take it for himself. (Two likely candidates for the pilfering are money and freedom.) The saddest aspect of the MAGA movement is that this group is paving the way for their own eventual demise and have no idea they are halfway there. They think they're winning something.

They will accomplish the annihilation of many others first. Also the shredding of the fabric of a fairly  healthy society.

We wonder at the stranglehold this Trump religion has on the masses. In fact, it's pretty basic: it has to do with that sickness of greed that takes over the human soul when The Golden Rule gets buried in rhetoric. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you": the wellspring of that most healing of qualities, generosity.

A man who cannot stop himself from lying and blaiming has given more than enough proof to anyone who has been paying attention that he is the last person to whom a nation could or should entrust its safekeeping. 

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