Saturday, February 4, 2023



hee hee.........THIS JUST IN!.......HUDDLE

UP!..........first string only...........= all 4 blog

followers + Coach Werthellouben?...............

....this's good stuff, ready?!


I've been writing this little column for 38 years, drowning my 
sorrows in Wild Turkey and fresh grapefruit juice (it's good) 
every time I publish, around, uh, 1.07 times a year, average.

Now, not one single goddam natural Christian soul has left a 
comment, in all these years. So I figured not one single solitary JewChristianMuslimBuddistHindewWhathaveyou had even
looked at the thing. Why, I even wrote myself a comment once...
and answered it! I'm a shrink, dudes, I can hold a therapy group
anytime I want. I am perfectly cognizant of when I'm whom...

I digress.

Here's the NEWS! You Howdy-Dowdy-Doody-Precious-Sunny-
Beaches-Bubbas have been writing comments all along and I just 
couldn't find them!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! Either that or somebody did a real 
nice hack for me on my 70th birthday. Thank you. I'm 70. [Just got 
back here from a reality rewrite of the first 5 years of "This is Your 
Fucking PTSD Life."] My psychoanalytic therapist of 25 years also 
suddenly ran off with his dying wife (true story). But I'm fine now. 
I'm here, aren't I. That was not a question.

So. This one is just for you guys. Nobody else is allowed to read it. 
Like I need to say it. Like, I should say, "Y'all aren't allowed to read
it." HA! 


I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me all
these years. The sweat. The blood. The gastric juices and shit. All
for YOU. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!

Got some real amazing insights for you in the next one. So don't
change that dial! It's coming right up :)